Thursday, November 25, 2010

Web Design

Making a website turned out to be an interesting balance between fun and utter frustration.  I found myself very annoyed with the Microsoft Expression Web program because, although it wouldn't let you drag images throughout the page, I constantly felt the need to do so.  I found myself constantly turning to Photoshop to construct the site because I couldn't layer the way that I wanted in Microsoft.  I am most proud of my home page-- I worked very hard to manipulate the icons to look and work the way that I wanted; moreover, I spent a long time on the embedded video.  Overall I feel like it turned out really well.  

If I were to change anything, I would take the time to make a really cool slide show of my pictures from Africa for my benefits page.  I had trouble inserting a YouTube video that I wanted on that page and feel that a photo album would be a really cool addition.  Technically, embedding the video that I made was the most difficult task. I will show my site to my family and the friends who joined me on my mission trip.  Clearly I didn't intend for this to be an actual marketing site-- just a cute spoof on it to show the work that my friends and I did in Africa through the shoes that I made.  

I actually have to make a site for another elective course in the very near future, so I'm looking forward to being able to use my computer skills to do that!  Although it took a long time, I'm very glad that I know how to make a website. 

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