Tuesday, November 9, 2010

PowerPoint Presentation and Critique

Last Tuesday morning I made a presentation on Medical Anthropology and malaria using Microsoft PowerPoint as a visual aid.  The presentation consisted of five total slides:  a title slide, a slide describing the facts and dangers of malaria, a slide presenting potential solutions to the malaria problem in many susceptible countries, a page describing Medical Anthropology as my basis for for honing in on "malaria"-- as it is a relatively morbid topic-- with a commercial of FC Barcelona uniting with the organization Malaria No More to provide mosquito nets to families in Africa who are unable to get them, and then, of course, my "Resources" page.  I felt that the presentation went relatively well; however, I felt that it could have been better executed.  I feel very passionately about the organization and hope that I did it justice.  Likewise, I used malaria as an example of one of the many focuses for Medical Anthropologists in the field because it is essentially a profession that provides western medical resources to cultures that do not have or understand them by gradually integrating the into daily practice, i.e., hand washing.  I am not positive if I want to completely delve into this field, but it is one of my options and I find it fascinating.

As for the other presentations, I really enjoyed Lauren Henderson's PowerPoint regarding Overuse Injury in Young Athletes.  I am an athlete and have been playing organized sports for many years; therefore, I find it very interesting that kids are getting hurt so seriously at such a young age.  Likewise, Luke Tibbits' PowerPoint on Biological Weapons was not only funny, but interesting.  I know Luke well from science classes and believe that he could do very well working with biochemistry in the military someday.  All of the presentations were really good, but these definitely stood out!


  1. Katie,
    I thought your presentation "Malaria No More" was really interesting and really important for everyone to hear. The slides were great, and the topic was well explained. Great job!

  2. Katie your presentation was awesome, I really liked the subject, it makes pre-med so worth it! I thought your info. was very valid, and the layout was really pretty.

  3. You had a great presentation I really like how passionate you were about helping others, keep up the good work!
