Monday, September 13, 2010

My Trinity Network Diagram

This is a network diagram of Trinity University from the perspective of my dorm room on Prassel third.  It's extremely exciting, as you can see.  Essentially, the diagram shows that while I'm just chilling on Facebook or here on in my room, a lot of things are going on behind the scenes.  From my laptop the Ethernet cable carries data through the wall port to Prassel's Data Closet with its own access point.  From here, the data travels all the way up campus to the Ruth Taylor Fine Arts Center then to the Internet... in a split second!  It really makes me appreciate modern technology! 


  1. WOW that is amazing! You must have spent a lot of time on it.

  2. Once again Katie, you always make mine look horrible. Keep up the great work

  3. Very Professional looking diagram!! Really cool!

  4. I love the diagram! It's very interesting and eye-catching!
