Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 1... Hello!

Hi there!  My name is Katherine Ellane Garrett (the first), but everyone calls me "Katie."  I am a nineteen-year-old sophomore from Joshua, Texas.

"Where is Joshua?" You may ask.  About 20 minutes south of Fort Worth, Joshua boasts a population of roughly 6,000 residents; however, Joshuans once prided themselves in having the largest Future Farmers of America (FFA) group in the United States.  Now that's saying something.  Back home live my two parents, Ralph and Kim, and my younger brother, Jordan, who is a Junior in high school.  Here at Trinity I play for the TU Women's Soccer team as the goalkeeper, which I really love, and am a member of SPURS sorority.  Although an odd combination, I am a Biology and an Art Major with a plan to graduate pre-med.  I haven't decided exactly what I want to do, but my dream job is to work for National Geographic someday.  Having said that, I am currently planning to go on to Med School after Trinity.

I have never taken a computer science course in college; however, I did take a technology course in high school my senior year which focused primarily on efficiently navigating through and using Microsoft Office programs.  I would consider myself relatively computer literate and am not afraid to tackle new programs.  I am eager to become more "tech savvy" in the following year and am confident that it will help me to better work through future college projects and beyond.

For any further questions about myself, my e-mail address is!


  1. Love your layout and your photo - perfect for this kind of blog. Welcome from one art major to another :)

  2. "Just a small town girl...." No? Just be glad you couldn't actually hear me sing :p I think working for National Geographic is one awesome thing to strive for! Great blog, Katie and I wish you luck in all your endeavors!

  3. Since you are confident with computers, I hope you wont mind lending me a hand sometimes. Also, thanks for putting my blog to shame Katie. The only way I will forgive you is if you come back with a win tonight.

  4. I might need to get in on that help as well, nice blog.
