Monday, October 18, 2010

CLT Adventure

This Thursday we were greeted by Mr. Robert Chapman on the first floor of Coates Library for the grand tour of the huge technological resource known as CLT.  CLT is essentially a space open to students and faculty alike that houses 26 computers-- 14 Macs and 12 PCs-- and 11 scanners with countless software capabilities.  Likewise, CLT hosts an expansive conference room with the ability to facilitate visual feeds from 20 different sources and 100 simultaneous audio feeds.  Not that I think that I could keep track of 100 different voices trying to talk to me at the same time, but it is definitely an impressive option if I ever need it!  While Mr. Chapman spoke, I sketched out a quick self-portrait of myself on my notes page; moreover, I was overjoyed to scan it afterward and save it in my Y: Drive.  It was a relief to know that it was secure on the Trinity network if harm were ever to come to the original masterpiece... ha. 

I love the idea of using the scanners because I like to make study guides via Microsoft Word but I will sometimes take notes by hand; therefore, if I am able to scan large amounts of hand-written notes and compile them onto a single document, they are much more organized and easier to read.  Likewise, if I am unable to draw out a certain, say, biological process, then I can scan the image from my textbook to place into my study guide.  I will definitely take advantage of that aspect of CLT.  I was also really excited about the audio center, where I could potentially compile and mash some of my personal music.  I think that could be a fun thing to do if I find the time.  I am definitely excited to utilize the resources that CLT has to offer in the very near future!

1 comment:

  1. Katie, this is one of the very best entries I have read - nice portrait, too!
